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There are a variety of different names for artificial cannabis, including Spice or K2. Since approximately 2008, we’re seeing more and more variations of synthetic marijuana products hitting the streets of the United States with often disastrous and dangerous ramifications for the users. “Cannabis Smoke TV” will take a look at ten different reasons why artificial cannabis is so dangerous and why authorities are so concerned about the spread of synthetic designer drugs such as “Spice”.
The videos, content, sounds, and other information provided on our YouTube channel ‘Cannabis Smoke TV’ are for informational and entertainment purposes only and must not be taken as an alternative to any advice by a physician, doctor, medical professional, psychologist, psychiatrist, or any other specialist related to the medical field. Cannabis Smoke TV does not promote, condone or advocate licit or illicit drug use. We cannot be held responsible for comments, video links, and content on our YouTube channel to which the links are posted which promote, condone, or advocate licit or illicit drug use or illegal activities.
The content and videos on our channel have not been evaluated by any regulatory authority. Do not use the videos and content on this channel for diagnosing or treating a mental, psychological, or other health problem or disease. Do not discontinue or stop professional medical or healthcare provider advice or treatment on account of this channel. Cannabis use is prohibited under the age of 21-year. In many countries and in some cases, the age of cannabis use is 18. In any case, if you are under 21 you should not be smoking or using cannabis in any way. Cannabis Smoke TV does not promote underage cannabis use.
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