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How To Make Edibles DIY Sweet THC/CBD Candy


Making cannabis hard candy is an easy thing to do at home. You only need a couple tools, basic ingredients and some patience. The advantage of infusing THC or CBD into hard candies is that you can dose your edibles very easily. It might also help if you are looking to take weed edibles discreetly.
The basic ingredients for making cannabis hard candies
The only ingredients you require to start making cannabis hard candies are sugar, water, corn syrup and canna honey.
The first thing you will need to decide on, is if you want to make THC hard candy or CBD hard candy. Simply use a THC tincture If you are looking for THC edibles or a CBD tincture for CBD edibles. You can also use both, it is all up to you!
You will be able to put in any flavor extract or coloring you want to customize your cannabis edibles. In turn, this is where you can experiment and get creative with your weed edibles.
Start to cook cannabis hard candy
Follow this recipe and use creativity to start experimenting with new flavors, colors, and shapes. Once you have a good grasp on how to make hard candies, you can start experimenting even further with different colors and shapes. Remember that cannabis candy is cooked at a very high temperature and it sticks, so never touch the hard candy with your hands.
If you like more cannabis recipes. Checkout our cannabis cookbook, full of extraction methods and amazing canna recipes.



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