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Cannabis Success Story for Huntington’s Disease


I share my story to inspire hope that natural therapies like Cannabis work during HD Awareness Month?

Cannabis Oil Q&A:

Update: Chorea has quieted in all body parts except left arm and occasional feet twitches. I feel more tremors lately than shakes. I can do math again but remembering things without a list is still challenging. Pain increases when I eat things I shouldn’t.

I currently consume half a gram of cannabis oil by mouth or suppository if pain levels are high and I smoke half a gram of concentrates or bud to help with breakthrough pain. Occasionally I get osteopathic manipulations to help. I’m also on a strict Carnivore diet avoiding all sugar, carbohydrates and vegetables that could be contaminated with mold (Look up the mold gene, HLA-DR, to find its in our damaged HD DNA).

Note: I am not a Quack as listed on https://hdsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/alternative-medicinefinal.pdf

I simply read medical and scientific journals and all I can on Huntington’s.

Did you read 25 ways to spot a quack on page 34? I recommend all are actually true except numbers 1, 3, 14, 15 & 16. As for number 1… who can know all there is to know about nutrition EXCEPT that processed food and preservatives are poisonous and listed as carcinogens by European standards?

I’m not a quack as stated in HDSA.org because I don’t make one penny for sharing this info. I share because the HD community shunned me for talking about cannabis which I find a shame because it works. Why would they want to silence natural therapies???

This HD stuff IS SUPER COMPLICATED but NOT IMPOSSIBLE. After over five years of reading medical and scientific journals I see how HD started with carbs and mycotoxins and ended with an inability for us to detox. The key is activating the NAD+ in the body so detox can occur. Cannabis and meat do that.

Cannabis detoxes study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4033942/

Note: All HDers present movements differenty. Some have tremors and some have shakes like those who have been fed a lot of antipsychotics.

5 years ago I was in a wheelchair and seizing daily. Today I’m living with and managing Huntington’s Disease without a wheelchair, seizures or Pharmaceuticals. Prevention is key! Utilizing therapies for those with positive tests and little to no symptoms is vital!



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