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Hemp Cream For Pain Reviews – Best Hemp Oil & Hemp Cream – – Cbd Cream For Pain Relief
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Recent studies suggest that cannabidiol oil could play a role in the treatment of arthritis. What are the benefits of cannabidiol oil and are there any side effects people should be aware of before using it?
Cannabidiol (CBD) oil contains CBD extracts from cannabis plants. Some people use CBD oil to relieve pain associated with chronic conditions, such as arthritis.
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Cannabinoids, such as CBD, attach themselves to specialized receptors in a person’s brain and immune system.
One of these receptors, called a CB2 receptor, plays a role in the immune system by managing pain and inflammation.
Researchers believe that when CBD enters a person’s body, it may attach to CB2 receptors. Alternatively, it may cause the body to produce natural cannabinoids that attach to the CB2 receptors.
Either way, scientists think CBD affects the way that these receptors respond to the signals that they receive, possibly helping reduce inflammation and pain.
A 2008 review of research into CBD and its possible mechanism of action suggested that CBD could play a role in chronic pain management.
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