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New York Cannabis Legalization: NEW POLLS on Approval of Legal Marijuana


New York Cannabis Legalization: NEW POLLS on Approval of Legal Marijuana

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Frame of Flower Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/c/FrameofFlowerPodcast

LMC News: https://www.youtube.com/c/LMCNews

#NewYorkCannabis #Polls #MarijuanaNews #CannabisNews #CannabisIndustry #LetsTalkCannabisLMC #CannabisLegalization #MarijuanaLegalization #LMCNews

Let’s Talk Cannabis LMC covers Cannabis Legalization News, Marijuana Brands, Cannabis Education, Marijuana Policy, Medical Marijuana, Growing Cannabis, Culture of Marijuana, Federal Cannabis Legalization.

LMC PRODUCTIONS creates and produces a myriad of different shows & documentaries, mainly focusing on the emerging Cannabis industry! In the Full Episodes, we cover stories involving Federal Cannabis Legalization News, State Marijuana Legalization, Cannabis Entrepreneurship, Cannabis Politics, & Much More! Documentaries covering world renowned Cannabis Brands: Cookies, Jungle Boys & More! LMC

LMC News highlights different stories from in and around the Marijuana Industry 4 times a week (Monday – Thursday). In the Full Episodes, we cover anywhere from 3-5 news stories involving Federal Cannabis Legalization News, State Marijuana Legalization, Cannabis Entrepreneurship, Cannabis Politics, & Much More!

High Design Documentaries tell the stories of different Cannabis Entrepreneurs that have been successful in this new emerging industry. Not only do we talk about the history and upbringing of the Marijuana Entrepreneur but we also identify, analyze and break down the reasons why their company was successful! Legendary Cannabis Stories and Brands!

The Frame of Flower Podcast interviews individuals from the Cannabis Industry as well as the Music Industry. Frame of Flower aims to showcase a frame of mind that you may not be familiar with. From Cannabis growers to Musicians and Others, will be discussing a ton of different really interesting topics.



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