What Strain Suits Your Horoscope? | PotGuide.com
For as long as humans have been consuming cannabis, they have been studying the stars. It’s believed that the Babylonians were the first to develop their own form of horoscopes, featuring the familiar zodiac symbols like the Gemini twins, the Cancer crab, and Pisces fish. Around 2,100 years ago, astrology made its way to the eastern Mediterranean and morphed into the Greek style of mythology, which remains essentially intact to this day. Your sun sign (AKA zodiac sign, astrological sign) is decided by your birthday and may represent your preferences, core personality, sense of self, and how you move through the world. It could also reveal your blind spots and weaknesses.
Could cannabis enlighten one of your sun sign blind spots? Or make someone with a supposedly stubborn sign like Taurus less bullheaded? Let’s explore how cannabis could affect for better or worse the main traits of your astrological sign.

Date Range: March 21 – April 19
Characteristics: Eager, Dynamic, Quick, Competitive
Strain: L.A. Confidential
Easy there, Aries! All that competition and eagerness has you champing at the bit. Why not calm down with a nice and relaxing indica guaranteed to make you smile.

Date Range: April 20 – May 20
Characteristics: Strong, Dependable, Sensual, Creative
Strain: Lamb’s Bread
For the sensual and creative bull, a nice uplifting and cerebral sativa to spark your creativity and refresh your mind.

Date Range: May 21 – June 20
Characteristics: Versatile, Expressive, Curious, Kind
Strain: Afghan Kush
Just like the planet that rules this sign, Mercury, sometimes Geminis can spin too fast. Afghan Kush will help slow you down and take in the world with more awareness.

Date Range: June 21 – July 22
Characteristics: Intuitive, Sentimental, Compassionate, Sensitive
Strain: Maui Waui
Being tuned in to other people’s emotions all the time can really bring down your mood. So, how about an uplifting and positive strain for change of pace?

Date Range: July 23 – August 22
Characteristics: Dramatic, Outgoing, Fiery, Self-assured
Strain: Blue Dream
So much drama, so little Blue Dream. This sativa-dominant hybrid will help you relax while still getting things done.

Date Range: August 23 – September 22
Characteristics: Practical, Loyal, Gentle, Analytical
Strain: Durban Poison
A great daytime strain for the analytical Virgo, Durban Poison will add sociability and creativity to any Virgo’s day.

Date Range: September 23 – October 22
Characteristics: Social, Fair-minded, Diplomatic, Gracious
Strain: Bruce Banner #3
For the fair and balanced Libra, a fair and balanced strain. The first half of this sesh will lead to creativity and productivity, while the second half brings clear-headed relaxation.
Scorpio, the Scorpion

Date Range: October 23 – November 21
Characteristics: Passionate, Stubborn, Resourceful, Brave
Strain: Skunk #1
For the mysterious and serious Scorpio, this sativa-dominant hybrid will lift you up mentally while helping you relax.

Date Range: November 22 – December 21
Characteristics: Extroverted, Optimistic, Funny, Generous
Strain: Power Kush
A classic mood elevator and body relaxant, it’s a perfect strain to highlight all of a Sagittarian’s best qualities.

Date Range: December 22 – January 19
Characteristics: Serious, Independent, Disciplined, Tenacious
Strain: Super Lemon Haze
For the oh-so-serious Capricorn, a motivational, buzzy, relaxed, and mood-elevating experience.

Date Range: January 20 – February 18
Characteristics: Deep, Imaginative, Original, Uncompromising
Strain: Pineapple Hashwreck
Water-bearers will get a boost of inspiration, energy, and creativity to spark their imagination when consuming this strain.

Date Range: February 29 – March 20
Characteristics: Affectionate, Empathetic, Wise, Artistic
Strain: Skywalker OG
This sativa-dominant hybrid is a good bet for a sign whose creative mind is buzzing even without cannabis. Skywalker OG could help provide some mental clarity and relaxation.
Next time you head to the dispensary, why not give your strain a try? If you’ve got the perfect strain for your sign and we missed it, let us know in the comments!
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