What varieties of hemp are now available in Malawi – ICA Malawi
ICA Chairman Dr Gama Bandawe explains what kind of industrial hemp and medical cannabis are now legal to grow in Malawi for growers with a government issued licence.
Video transcription:
The varieties of cannabis that are now legal in Malawi are the non-psychoactive strains. These are the types of cannabis that might be high in cannabinoids, such as CBD, but do not have the psychoactive THC or the intoxicating active ingredient. . Some of these varieties have been trialled here at a government facility and we know how they work. We know the agronomy behind them. And in fact, if you want to grow cannabis, you will only be allowed to grow those varieties that are legal – in other words those that are not the psychoactive one. So, by joining the ICA, you will be able to directly engage with some of those companies, and there are just a few in Malawi, that have actually done the field trials and are able to answer some of your questions around the specifics as to the agronomy and cultivation of this low THC, or these non-psychoactive, or legal, varieties of cannabis.
Google’s auto translate of the english transcription:
Mitundu ya cannabis yomwe ili yololedwa ku Malawi tsopano ndi mitundu yosagwiritsa ntchito ma psychoactive. Izi ndi mitundu ya ma cannabis omwe atha kukhala okwera ma canabaniods, monga CBD, koma alibe psychoactive THC kapena mankhwala oledzeretsa. . Ena mwa mitundu iyi adayeserera pano pamalo aboma ndipo tikudziwa momwe amagwirira ntchito. Tikudziwa agronomy kumbuyo kwawo. Ndipo ngati mukufuna kulima chamba, mudzaloledwa kulima mitundu yololeza – mwa kuyankhula kwina iwo omwe siamisala. Chifukwa chake, kulowa nawo ICA, mudzatha kulumikizana ndi ena mwa makampaniwa, ndipo alipo ochepa ku Malawi, omwe adayesapo mayeselo ndipo amatha kuyankha ena mwa mafunso anu okhudzana ndi izi kulima ndi kulima kwa THC yotsika, kapena mitundu iyi ya non-psychoactive, kapena yalamulo, ya cannabis.
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