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Keynote Presentation: Cannabis Medicine is Flowering: How Clinical Trials Validate Cannabis


Presented By: Debra Kimless

Speaker Biography: Debra Kimless, M.D. graduated magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa from Muhlenberg College with a double major in Natural Sciences and Biology. She attended medical school at Rutgers, and residency at Temple University Hospital and is a board-certified Anesthesiologist with a subspecialty certification in Pain Medicine and is recently board certified by the American/International Lifestyle Medicine Board.

Webinar: Keynote Presentation: Cannabis Medicine is Flowering: How Clinical Trials Validate Cannabis

Webinar Abstract: Clinical trials are the backbone of medical science. Traditional pharmaceutical companies spend millions of dollars and a decade plus on conducting trials to substantiate the marketing of a new drug. Cannabis is federally illegal yet 33 states and the District of Columbia are permitting the sale of cannabis and cannabis based medicines and without traditional scientifically backed proof. Additionally, the knowledge of the endocannabinoid system and how cannabis and cannabis medicines interact within that system is left to those curious enough to do the research.

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