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Why You Should Try Bath Bombs Infused With CBD



For those who enjoy taking a bath, I am sure you have tried a bath bomb before. But, have you ever tried one infused with CBD? They are the bomb!

Not only do they smell amazing, but bath bombs infused with CBD have amazing benefits. Here is everything you should know about CBD:

  • Used to reduce inflammation
  • Has anti-anxiety effects
  • Helps balance hormones
  • CBD is a stress reliever
  • Soothes sore muscles

Bath Bombs are the Bomb

So, put all of those amazing qualities into a bath bomb and you have quite possibly the most relaxing bath you can experience. These CBD infused bath bombs take relaxation to the next level. They truly are the bomb.

CBD infused bath bombs are perfect for the day after a hard gym session when your muscles are sore. Personally, I am not one to take baths, but for this reason alone I do now.

How much CBD?

What’s great about them is that you can choose the strength of the bomb; meaning you can pick the dosage of CBD. Commonly, bath bombs come in the 50-100mg of CBD range, but you can start with a minimum amount of about 25mg too if you prefer. However, if you are seeking the full benefits, we recommend trying the ones between 50–100mg and soaking for about 30 minutes. For even deeper relaxation and serious pain relief you may want to go up to 200mg of CBD.

Buy or D.I.Y.

CBD bath bombs are great, but unfortunately a little pricey. Usually, they range from $15 – $50 depending on where you buy them. If you want to support a Canadian company that makes them, click here. They are not something you will use all of the time, but certainly a wonderful experience now and then.

If you are the type of person who loves DIY projects, I have a good one for you! Did you know you can make your own CBD bath bombs? Yes, that’s right! If you are up for it you can make your very own bath bombs infused with the Epsom salts you love, your favorite essential oils, and of course your ideal dosage of CBD. Click here to read a how-to article.

Have you heard about CBD bath bombs before? Are you going to try one? Let us know in the comments what you think! Follow @cannalifenet for more cannabis content.


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